French > Coursebooks > 1. Primary Education > -Jojo

Jojo is a fun French course of three levels based on the theory of Multiple Intelligences and on the principles of neurolinguistic programming.It is suitable for upper primary or lower secondary school students.

Starting with this introduction, the students' interest will be stimulated in a global sense through involvement in the many ways of expression where language is the vehicle. Together with Georges (Jojo's friend) sharing his adventures and misadventures, the students will make a fun journey in the discovery of the French language. Each book is divided into 10 units preceded by a zero unit of introduction to the French language to link and extend what they might already know. Every 5 units, a review allows a simple check of what has been learnt. The format consists of 6 pages of which 2 are a comic strip story and 4 pages of exercises and activities among which is a game, a creative exercise, a song or rhyme. The introductory story in a comic strip is then reutilised by the students in a role play. 

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